ZOMG!!! It’s really happening! Like really for real! The guys at Rooster Teeth confirmed yesterday at their PAX panel that the 9th season of Red vs Blue is officially going to happen. There were a lot of indications, like the RvB PSAs, that season 9 was coming, but I never found anything from Rooster Teeth to confirm it. I was especially worried by how season 8 ended: it was a really nice and emotional finish that could have ended the whole series, as well. I would have been mad if this were the case, because, well, I don’t want to spoil anything, but just trust me, you don’t want it to end that way.


With this new season confirmation, Rooster Teeth showed the trailer exclusively during their panel. It was an unfinished product that they want to continue working on before they officially release it to the public on April 1st, Rooster Teeth’s anniversary (this better not be an April Fools joke or I will murder someone). Of course, someone taped the trailer with her(?) video camera (there’s one in every crowd), so you can catch the really low quality and shaky video of the season 9 trailer here (I love how you can hear her crying after they announce it). Rooster Teeth probably won’t like their work in progress on YouTube, so better watch it fast before it’s removed! According to the trailer, the new season starts this summer! Best summer vacation ever!


What is the deal with these shaky cameras, anyway? How hard is it to hold a light weight object in the air for 5 minutes? Some people hold it like they’ve just drank ten 2-liter bottles of Mountain Dew after inhaling a box of caffeine pills! The earthquakes are in Japan, guys, come on!