Tag Archive: pi

Happy Pi Day!

Today is March 14, or 3/14, which is also Pi Day! Join me in celebrating everyone’s favorite irrational number by eating cake! …What? I don’t really like most types of pie.

Wait, what’s this? The cake is a lie?! Fine, then I’ll just eat my banana bread… You guys just do what you want.


Did you know that pi isn’t just the number 3.1415926535897… (phew, did that from memory)? It stands for the the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.


If you’d like to know more about pi’s history, here’s a handy little video:


A couple of pi facts:

-Albert Einstein’s birthday is today! How fitting.

-1337% of pi is 42. Yeah, I know! Bet your heart skipped a beat for that one!

-If you hold “3.14” up to a mirror, it spells out “pie.” This shirt will demonstrate:


Click here for a Pi Day website.


So, how are you celebrating Pi Day? And how many digits of pi can you recite off the top of your head? And no, you can’t look at a calculator, memorize a couple more digits, and then start typing. I see you there, sitting at your computer. You think you’re so clever…

The Life of a Nerd

(Ironic that Data wants his cat to lack typos when he himself cannot spell “grammatically.”)



Lately, I’ve been noticing little nerdy quirks about me that I find a bit amusing. So here are 12 of my geeky traits; feel free to leave a comment with some of yours!


1. Almost every Thursday, I think of Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, because in the movie, Arthur Dent says, “It must be a Thursday. I could never get the hang of Thursdays.”

2. Bow ties remind me of Doctor Who.

3. I cut my sandwiches into cosine waves and then think, I guess this means the length of my bread is equal to 2 pi.

4. I have enough nerd shirts from various shows and video games to wear for two weeks straight.

5. When people tell me, “you’re late!” I secretly think, a wizard is never late (not that I think of myself as a wizard). Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. I would say it out loud, but people usually won’t get the reference.

6. Every morning, I need to drink orange juice out of my Star Trek mug (which has Spock, my nerd crush!); otherwise, I’ll be cranky the rest of the morning.

7. When I do something accidental like bump over a cup, the first thing that comes to mind is control + z!

8. The background on my cell phone is Shifty Looking Cow from Mass Effect. My message tone is the sound of a Star Trek communicator.

9. Old buildings with lots of horizontal beams remind me of Assassin’s Creed.

10. I actually say the word “click” when clicking on webpage buttons.

11. We have a pizza cutter in the shape of the Enterprise. When I do the dishes, instead of simply putting it away, I ‘fly’ it to the drawer where it’s supposed to go.

12. I write a freaking nerd blog!